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Positive New Year’s Resolutions For Kids

For many, the start of a new year means a clean slate and the opportunity to start new healthy habits. While New Year’s resolutions are common for adults, there may be some commitments children can make to improve themselves as well.

If you’d like to help your child start healthy habits that last a lifetime, here are some positive New Year’s resolutions they may love.

Help your kids start healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Resolutions for Preschoolers

– I won’t tease dogs, even my friendly pet

– I will put away my toys at the end of the day

– I will brush my teeth twice a day

– I will help mommy and daddy when they need it

– I will take a deep breath and count to five when I get angry

Resolutions for older kids and tweens

– I will find an inpidual or team sport I like that gets me active and do it three times a week

– I will use a properly fitted mouth guard when playing contact sports

– I will choose healthy drinks like milk or water and limit sugary drinks like soda

– I will wear my helmet and proper protection gear when skateboarding or riding my bike

– I will choose healthy foods to eat and get two servings each of fruits and vegetables

– I will brush my teeth twice a day and floss

Resolutions for Teens

– I will eat foods that keep me healthy, like fruits and vegetables

– I will say No to peer pressure to try drugs or alcohol

– I will ask my parents or trusted adult for help when faced with a tough decision

– I will care for my teeth by brushing twice a day and flossing

– I will carefully choose whom I date and will treat him or her with respect

– I will be a role model for younger siblings or kids I’m around

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