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Making Dental Care More Affordable

We’ve had several new patients end up at our practice as a result of a dental emergency. Sometimes it’s the result of a traumatic event–i.e., they were playing football with family on Thanksgiving and chipped their tooth. Sometimes it’s the result of neglecting their teeth for years.

Neglect cases are always difficult. Usually patients avoid the dentist for two reasons. One, they had a negative experience in the past, or two they’re worried about the cost. Almost always, in these situations they spend more than if they’d been proactive, going before they were symptomatic.

Making dental care affordable

We’ve put together some tips for making your dental care more affordable.

If you have insurance, let your dental office help you get the most out of it.

Your dental office likely knows your dental insurance backwards and forwards. They can help you navigate it and even get around some of the loopholes.

Talk to your dentist.

Most dentists got into their field because they want to help people. It’s very likely your dentist has low and even no-interest payment plans to help patients in your situation.

Phased Treatment

If you’ve put off the dentist, it’s likely you’ll need more work done than normal. The price tag for that can be overwhelming. Ask your dentist about phased treatment options. He or she can list out everything you need done in the order of most to least urgent. You can do each procedure as the funds become available.

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